Acres U.S.A. Pre-Conference Advance Learning Course

Acres USA 2009

Jon Frank Acres USA December 2009Nutrient-Dense Foods from your Market Garden & Greenhouse

Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 1-2, 2009
Registration Fee: $350/person
Schedule: 8:30am-5pm
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel Riverfront, St. Paul, Minnesota

Speakers include Jon Frank and special guest presenters

Have you ever noticed that many of the complex problems of the world are actually solved with really simple solutions? Take, as an example, the complexity of healthcare. The heart of the issue, which most people completely miss, is actually health. Where does health come from? In a complex world health, i.e. healthcare, comes from the top down. In reality true health always comes from the soil up.

Food is the delivery mechanism where nutrition, starting in the soil, is taken up by plants and is ultimately used to create and maintain human health. When the delivery method breaks down human health falters and suddenly there is a tremendous need for “healthcare.”

Today more and more people are realizing that the nutrition they need isn’t being delivered due to a failing food supply. This environment is creating an unprecedented opportunity for enterprising market gardeners. Now is the time to:

  • Offer the market top-quality produce
  • Offer consumers a real alternative to industrially produced foods
  • Prepare for the upcoming market standard: "Nutrient Density"

Achieving top-quality produce, as measured by a refractometer, is no walk in the park. If it was so easy the market would already be flooded with top-quality. Here's a secret for you: If achieving nutrient density is no walk in the park, neither is it impossibly hard. Achieving nutrient density in your produce is within grasp — all you have to do is meet natures’ requirements. Meeting natures’ requirements is the primary purpose of this class.

This class is chiefly a nuts-and-bolts type of class teaching practical management techniques on how to achieve results. What else does this class offer?

  • Case Studies — real people sharing real stories
  • 5 essential tools that must be integrated for best results
  • Cutting edge information in both vision and application
  • Practical demonstration of soil conductivity — your #1 tool
  • Basic marketing skills you need to sell your produce as premium prices

Intensive pre-conference course by pre-registration only. Space limited.


Lecture at Main Session of Acres U.S.A.

Acres USA 2009

10 Tips to Increase Greenhouse Profitability

Saturday, Dec. 5, 2009
Schedule: 11 a.m. - 12 noon
Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel Riverfront, St. Paul, Minnesota

Speaker: Jon Frank

As consumers demand fresher and locally-supplied food, people all across the country are looking to meet this demand through various forms of market gardens. One way to rapidly tap into this market is by putting up a greenhouse. When done right greenhouses can be a real money-maker. If poorly managed they can be a fast way to lose a lot of money. In this talk, market garden consultant Jon Frank hands off 10 valuable tips to keep you smiling — all the way to the bank.

Acres U.S.A. Conference Registration

  • Register for Acres U.S.A. Conference online or call 1-800-355-5313.
  • Register before Friday, November 27, 2009 to save.


Field Day

Wednesday, August 26th in Fairmont, MN
Registration Fee: $20 (includes lunch)
Schedule: 9:30am-4pm (registration begins at 8:30)
Location: 436 220th Ave., Fairmont, MN 56031

Leading agronomists share their expertise. A great opportunity to pick up new ideas from your fellow producers. There will be corn and soybean test plots to look at during the day.

Speakers include Mike McNeill, Bob Streit, Jeff Littrell and Dan Skow.

Topics to be covered in this 1-day event:

  • The wonders of ammonium sulfate use on corn and soybeans.
  • Roundup resistance and what to do. Bob Streit's experience in South America soy production.
  • Use of reverse osmosis water for sprays. Tusa Bros. experiences with reverse osmosis water.
  • Moving soy and corn yields to new levels with new technology.

For more information regarding the location, itenerary and speakers:

Download brochure in PDF

Online registration no longer available


Teleseminar "Source For Nutrient Dense Peaches Revealed!"

Thursday Evening, June 11th, 7 p.m. CDT

High Brix Gardens is please to announce an upcoming teleseminar with Jennifer Ochs discussing her peaches and the road it took to bring them to quality. We'll be looking at some results of soil tests and seeing the progression.

We'll also be discussing Magick Fans which are something that her husband builds and is now selling. It's a new kind of a fan designed to keep the air moving so that the frost doesn't kill the peach buds.

Hope you join us on the call!

Telephone playback of this call is now available

Playback Dial-in Number: 1-518-825-1401 East Coast
Playback Access Code: 960946
Duration of Call: 56 Minutes, 18 Seconds
Recording Expiration Date: July 11, 2009 8:27 PM

A download and transcript of the above teleseminar is available by going to the High Brix Gardens Audio Downloads page.


Teleseminar on Linking Greenhouse Productivity With Soil Conductivity and Foliar Sprays

Tuesday Evening, April 7th, 7 p.m. CDT

You're invited to join us for a free teleseminar "Linking Greenhouse Productivity With Soil Conductivity and Foliar Sprays" on Tuesday evening, April 7th at 7 p.m. CDT.

In this call, Jon Frank will be interviewing Duane Headings. You'll learn how to use the most important tools to measure soil energy and supercharge greenhouse productivity. We'll detail the importance of soil conductivity and how it directly relates to plant health and greenhouse productivity, and cover specific fertigation techniques based on the conductivity reading.

We look forward to joining together in the discussion and hope to see you there!

A download and transcript of the above teleseminar is available by going to the Audio Downloads page.


Unlocking The Secrets Of Soils And Foliars (3-day Class)

unleashing the secrets of soils and foliarsFeb. 25-27, 2009 in Branson, Missouri

8:00-5:30 for the 25th and 26th
8:00 to 12:00 noon for the 27th

Registration Fee: $295

Spouse $150
Late registration $350 after February 18th


The Grand Plaza Hotel
245 No. Wildwood Dr.
Branson, MO 65616
Special Room Rate: $62
Room Code: Ag2009


Speakers will be Dr. Dan Skow, Wendell Owens and Jon Frank of International Ag Labs

Are you achieving top grain yields? Are your forages 16 brix or above? Are you producing fruits and vegetables at the highest level of nutrient density? If these things represent the epitome of success for your farming operation what is holding you back?

The answer is surprisingly simple; obstacles, hindrances, blockages, constraints. These are the things that stand between where your farming operation is right now and what you want it to become. The job of a successful farmer is to systematically remove these hindrances so that plants can express their full genetic potential.

Take out your reading glasses because here is the fine print. How do you know what your hindrances truly are? This is the difficult part of the equation that requires considerable finesse. The key to reading these fine print details is a really good pair of reading glasses. For soil this just happens to be the Morgan soil test. This class will teach you how to read the Morgan soil test so you can remove hindrances in your farming operation.

We will also cover important foliar tools. Foliar sprays offer tremendous opportunity to increase yields and nutrient density. There is just one catch—they need to be used on top of a proper soil program. In other words, foliar sprays are like icing on the cake. Without a proper soil program there is no cake to ice. This is why foliar sprays must be studied and used in the context of a proper soil fertility program.

Download brochure


Soybean Summit - Pushing The Yields On Soybeans (One-day Class)

Jan. 19, 2009 in Fairmont, MN
Registration Fee: $50
Schedule: 9am -5pm
Location: VFW, 301. S. State Street, Fairmont, MN 56031

For too long soybean production has languished while corn yields have made steady gains. Where do we go from here? The Soybean Summit is an introductory look at combining best practices and soybean-specific fertility recommendations to move beyond typical yields. How far can we go? The answer might surprise us all. International Ag Labs is pleased to present a world-class panel of soybean specialists.

Featured speaker will be Kip Cullers, Champion Soybean Grower from Missouri. Other speakers include Mike McNeill, Bob Streit and Dr. Dan Skow.

Topics to be covered in this 1-day event:

  • Soil fertility and soybean health
  • Setting stage for planning, mid-season and late-season management
  • Soybean fertility based on our soil test
  • Questions and Answers with panel of speakers

Download brochure

Online registration no longer available

Wendell Owens

of International Ag Labs

Wendell Owen

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