Upcoming Events

IAL Field Day 2023 | September 8, 2023

Please join us for this year's Field Day!


International Ag Labs is pleased to invite you to our 2023 Field Day.  Konnor Kristenson will be our speaker.  His topic will be "Increasing Yield Outcome".  We will be taking a closer look at adding nutrients across the field to get the best yield possible.


Friday, September 8, 2023


5:00 pm – Registration
5:30 pm – Speaker, Konner Kristenson
6:30 pm – Meal and Social Time


3/4 miles west of
Wendell Owens' Farm
2782 30th Street
Elmore, MN 56026


This is a free event if you register by Friday, September 1st.  You can registerr by calling MerriDee at 507-235-6909.

We hope to see you there!


Foliar Plant Nutrition DVD Set

Foliar Plant Nutrition DVD SetFoliar Plant Nutrition DVD Set is now available in our store.

If you attended the class you will receive a discount if you call our office at 507-235-6909.

Click here to go to our store


Wendell Owens

of International Ag Labs

Wendell Owen

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