The purpose of our company
is to make soil better as we grow quality crops




The purpose of our company
is to make soil better as we grow quality crops


For the past 25 years International Ag Labs has been a leading proponent of quality foods and animal feedstock. Our approach has been to help farmers achieve quality by enhancing nutrient availability, microbial stimulation, and plant health.

Ag Services

No matter what you produce, it begins with the soil. International Ag Labs is here to help you create the best possible growing environment for your crops. You might be surprised how quickly your soil will reward you for using our environmentally sound techniques.


Here are some of the high quality services we provide to our customers...

Lab Services

We have a full agricultural laboratory, staffed by chemists and assistants.

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Soil Testing

International Ag Labs is a current member of the North American Proficiency Testing Program (NAPTP).

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Soil Consulting

We consult on any crop anywhere in the United States and will develop a start-to-finish program specifically for you.

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Fertilizer Brokerage

A service for Organic and Biological Farmers. Your best source for fertilizer!

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About Us & Services


May I ask you a question? How healthy is your farming operation? I know this is a rather abrupt question but sometimes we really need to step back and ask ourselves some tough questions.

Here are a few more: Do you have a long-term goal or set of goals? Are you on track to meet your goals? How satisfied are you with your farming operation?

Agriculture at a Crossroads

These are important questions because, as you know, farming is a fast game. Changes in agriculture are really accelerating. Just recall the changes we have seen in the last 2 years in weather patterns, fertility prices, and technology. When we add up all the changes we arrive at a very important point: Agriculture is at a crossroads. The path we take today has consequences even to the next generation and beyond.

About Us & Services


May I ask you a question? How healthy is your farming operation? I know this is a rather abrupt question but sometimes we really need to step back and ask ourselves some tough questions.

Here are a few more: Do you have a long-term goal or set of goals? Are you on track to meet your goals? How satisfied are you with your farming operation?

Agriculture at a Crossroads

These are important questions because, as you know, farming is a fast game. Changes in agriculture are really accelerating. Just recall the changes we have seen in the last 2 years in weather patterns, fertility prices, and technology. When we add up all the changes we arrive at a very important point: Agriculture is at a crossroads. The path we take today has consequences even to the next generation and beyond.

Let us help you achieve your long-term goals

We offer specific advice, based off a soil test, to growers and producers to help you achieve your long-term goals.

Let us help you achieve your long-term goals

We offer specific advice, based off a soil test, to growers and producers to help you achieve your long-term goals.

Our Other Websites

Wendell Owens

of International Ag Labs

Wendell Owen

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