Spray Adjuvant

This product is most recognized for its residue decomposing abilities using bacteria. As plant material decomposes, lignin accumulates which is an important ingredient of humus. In the process of humification, lignin unites with proteins forming a lignin proteinate complex. This renders the protein very resistant to microbial attack. Thus, nitrogen in humus is retained and only slowly released. Humus itself under-goes slow decomposition so that in well aerated soils receiving normal additions of organic material, its level remains fairly constant. This slow decomposition is of great practical importance. It provides a means whereby nitrogen, as well as simple mineral compounds, can be stored in the soil and release gradually for plant consumption. Z-Hume also serves very productively when applied in furrow with starter fertilizer. Re-establishing microbial activity is important and is exactly what occurs when Z-Hume is applied at planting.

Recommended application

2 qts/acre

Recommended Application

Residue Composition

6-10 gal/acre 28 or 32%
2 qts/acre Z-Hume
3 lbs/acre Dextrose
2-4 gal Thiosul

In Starter Fertilizer

4-10 gal/acre Starter Fertilizer
2 qts/acre Z-Hume
3 lbs/acre Dextrose

Broadcast with Nitrogen Solution or Sidedress

25-50 gal/acre 28 or 32%
2 qts/acre Z-Hume
2-4 gal Thiosul
3 lbs/acre Dextrose

*When using Z-Hume there should be adequate calcium available in the soil or calcium should be added.

** When combined with gypsum, Z-Hume is an excellent microbial choice in alleviating saline toxicity in high saline soils.

Typically Recommended Crops

  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Wheat

Stimulate - OMRI Version of Z-Hume

The OMRI version of Z-Hume is Stimulate. Here is the Stimulate OMRI listing for you to download:

OMRI Listed Stimulate

Wendell Owens

of International Ag Labs

Wendell Owen

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