Wendell Owens - Jon Frank


For more than 25 years, International Ag Labs has helped producers of fruit, root crops, grain, forage, and livestock develop programs that begin with healthy soil and end with top grade commodities. With many concerns raised about the nutritional value of our food system, it is our goal to help you raise healthful, nutrient dense food.

As a frontrunner in the race toward ecological, economical, and environmental farming, International Ag Labs currently serves more than one million acres of land across 48 states in the U.S. and numerous foreign countries by providing soil analysis and recommendations for soil nutrition and structural balance.

Using a systematic approach, we begin with a soil analysis. Soil is analyzed using the Morgan test which depicts what nutrients are available to the plant and how much—this is different from most other labs. Aside from the common nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, trace minerals are tested in addition to Formazan. This test determines the amount of active bacteria and fungal organisms in the soil. Recommendations are then made based on the crop needs, region, equipment, and fertilizer availability in your area. We offer much more than soil testing—you will find a complete list of products and lab services offered on our website.

No matter what you produce, it begins with the soil. International Ag Labs is here to help you create the best possible growing environment for your crops. You might be surprised how quickly your soil will reward you for using our environmentally sound techniques.

Good Farming and God Bless,

Wendell Owens

Wendell Owens

of International Ag Labs

Wendell Owen

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