Dan Skow Will Be Speaking at the Field to Plate Series: Plant Psychology 401

Dan SkowDecember 14-16, 2010

Bio-Diversity in Modern Agriculture through High Yielding Crops Riverside Casino, Riverside, IA

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Speakers include:

Dr. Arden Andersen
John Baize
Amie Bandy
Kent Friedricksen
Gilbert Hostetler
Dr. Robert Kremer
Jeffrey D. Littrell
John Mayernak
Dr. Michael McNeill
John Oolman
Keith Schlapkohl
Dr. Dan Skow
Bob Streit
Vatché Keuftedjian


Acres USA Conference and Trade Show

Acres USA Conference and Trade Show

December 9-11, 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana

Click here for complete details

See you at our booth in Indianapolis,
Dan, Wendell and Katie


Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market EXPO

Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market EXPO

December 7-9, 2010, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Click here for complete details

International Ag Labs Booth Number is 1109
Click here to see location of our booth


Hope to see you there!
Jon and Jamie


Enhancing Greenhouse Productivity

Speakers 2010 Field DayWednesday, September 22nd
Registration Fee: $40
Late Registration: $65 (beginning Sep. 20th)
Schedule: 9:00am-4:15pm (registration begins at 8:30am)
Location: Mutchler Community Center, 900 East North Street, Bloomfield, IA
Phone: 641-664-3939


Duane Headings is a soil consultant with International Ag Labs. Duane has assiduously studied the teachings of Dr. Carey Reams and International Ag Labs for the past 4 years. Duane comes with a strong background in turf management, market gardens, greenhouse consulting, production agriculture, and backyard gardens. Duane recently started farming 2 acres of produce with half of it devoted to bramble fruit. Duane lives in Green Forest Arkansas with his wife Janet, and their 5 children.

David Yoder is chairman of the Southern Iowa Produce Auction in Drakesville, Iowa. David has been raising and selling produce for 8 years and selling greenhouses and associated supplies for 7 years. Three years ago David began selling International Ag Labs’ fertility products and began offering custom mixes for market gardens, greenhouses, and backyard gardens. David lives near Drakesville with his wife Edna Fay, and their 4 children.

Jon Frank is a partner in International Ag Labs. Jon started the high brix garden program in 2005 as an undertaking of IAL. From that the program has expanded to market gardens and greenhouses. Jon’s focus is on two primary areas; soil stewardship and health to the consumer eating the produce. Jon and his wife Rebecca have 5 children and live in Granada Minnesota within shouting distance from the Iowa border.


8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome and Devotions
9:15 Experiences in Greenhouse Production --David Yoder
9:45 The Carbon Cycle In Your Greenhouse – Jon Frank
10:30 Morning Break
10:40 How To Use Mulches and Plastic – David Yoder
12:00 Lunch Buffet
1:00 Factor Affecting Soil Conductivity – Duane Headings
2:15 Overcoming Green Core – Jon Frank
3:00 Afternoon Break
3:15 Economics of Foliar Feeding – Duane Headings
3:45 Q & A Session
4:15 Dismiss

Hope you join us, Jon Frank

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Online registration no longer available


Dan Skow Will Be Speaking at the Following Field Day Events

September 7, 2010

3rd Annual Mike Lewis Field Day, Osage, Iowa (more info here)

On the Mike Lewis Farm from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Admission is FREE to those who pre-register by September 1, 2010!

Speakers include:

Jeff Littrell, Vice President of B.R.T.
Dr. Dan Skow, D.V.M, Founder and Partner of International Ag Labs, Inc.
Dr. Michael McNeill, Ag Advisory, Ltd.
Bob Streit, Agronomy Consultant
Dr. Don Huber, Prof. Emeritus of Plant Pathology, Purdue University

September 10, 2010

5th Annual KV Mud Creek Field Day, Stockton, Iowa (more info here)

On the Keith Schlapkohl Farm from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Admission is FREE to those who pre-register by September 1, 2010!

Speakers include:

Jeff Littrell, Vice President of B.R.T.
Keith Schlapkohl, Co-Owner of B.R.T.
Dr. Dan Skow, D.V.M, Founder and Partner of International Ag Labs, Inc.
Dr. Michael McNeill, Ag Advisory, Ltd.
Bob Streit, Agronomy Consultant
Dr. Don Huber, Prof. Emeritus of Plant Pathology, Purdue University


International Ag Labs 2010 Field Day

Speakers 2010 Field DayThursday, August 26th in Fairmont, MN
Late Registration: $30 (after Aug. 23rd)
Schedule: 10:00am-4:30pm
Location: VFW at 301 S. State St., Fairmont, MN 56031

Come and see our fields on August 26th 2010!

Speakers include Dr. Don Huber, Dr. Dan Skow, and Wendell Owens.

Here is your opportunity to find out what fertility program Wendell Owens and Dan Skow use on their own farms and what foliars sprays were applied. The results will be observed in the fields. We start by meeting at the Martin County VFW at 301 S. State St. in Fairmont Minnesota. Don’t be late because starting at 10:00 am sharp is Dr. Don Huber who will be sharing about the cumulative effects of glyphosate in soil. Since glyphosate is a strong metal chelator it binds to trace elements and even to calcium rendering them unavailable to plants. Dr. Huber will be sharing strategies on how to overcome these mineral tie-ups in the soil and in the plant. This is cutting edge (and somewhat controversial) information that everybody who uses Round-Up needs to hear.

Wendell Soybean Field Wendell Soybean Demonstration


At 1:00pm Wendell Owens will be dicussing his fertility program for his corn and beans. That’s him in the picture above in his bean field and no he was not squatting or kneeling. Wendell will share his results using GMO-free corn and soybeans. You will see the results firsthand. Wendell is also preparing a special visual demonstration of corn roots in the field you won’t want to miss. Next up: Dan Skow will also detail his fertility program and foliar sprays applied to his soybeans. Most of Dan’s talk will center around how to use tissue analysis to help push soybean yields to 100 bushels. Look for some new ideas as we press toward that 100 bushel goal.

At 2:30 we close up shop and head for the field for a guided tour of Wendell and Dan’s fields. If you register before August 24th your seat on the motor coach will be reserved. We should be back at the VFW parking lot by 5:00pm.

What to bring?

I suggest bringing a camera and voice recorder and/or pen and paper to capture those “ah-ha” ideas that come up all of a sudden. I’ll stop with this quote. Great ideas, like slippery fish, get away if they aren’t nailed down with a pencil.

See you soon, Jon Frank

Download brochure in PDF

Online registration no longer available


Farming's Next Frontier - Foliar Plant Nutrition

Farming's Next Frontier - Foliar Plant NutritionJune 29-30, 2010 in Branson, Missouri

Tue. 8:00 am -- 5:00 pm
Wed. 8:00 am – 12:00 noon

Registration Fee:

$200 per person [+$100 spouse]
Late Registration fees will start on June 21st at the price of $250 and $375 respectively.


Welk Resort Hotel Branson
1984 State Highway 165
Branson, MO 65616


Speakers include Dan Skow, Wendell Owens and Jon Frank
Guest Speaker James Lovelady

The Neglected Step Child of Crop Nutrition

With the possible exception of soil microbes beneath our feet no other sphere of crop production lies so wide open and unexplored as feeding plants through their leaves.

Most universities and large agri-business corporations are just waking up to the idea that foliar plant nutrition might be of some advantage. Meanwhile, back in the private sector, foliar feeding has been in practice among knowledgeable consultants and farmers for over 50 years.

It has often been said “Don’t feed the plant—rather feed the soil and the soil will feed the plant automatically.” While this statement seems intuitively correct it is not. Ideally we must feed the biology in the soil, feed the plant at the root level, and feed the plant directly through the leaves. For too long feeding plants through the leaves has been the neglected step child of crop nutrition—an after thought if the farmer had some extra time.

Leveraging Foliar SprayingSo what is foliar plant nutrition? In essence foliar feeding is a fulcrum point allowing the farmer to apply tremendous leverage toward crop production and quality. In plain English this means that with only minimal inputs great results can be achieved when properly applied. There is a catch of course. Just like in the analogy of a large boulder and a crowbar the fulcrum point must be used and it must be positioned properly. If the fulcrum point is at the wrong end of the crowbar nothing moves.

Similarly, the leverage of foliar spraying must be applied properly in order to obtain the desired results. What kind of results are we talking about?

  • An increase in 6 bushels of soybeans from only 1 foliar application less than a month before harvest.
  • A reduction in bitter pit in honey crisp apples from 30% down to 1% by following a regular foliar program.
  • An 8-fold increase in dry matter compared to a control plot harvested from a New Zealand forage paddock in the midst of a severe drought with only 8 foliar applications.

The question that begs to be answered is: how can foliar feeding provide this much leverage? The answer lies in truly understanding how leaves function and how to increase their efficiency of capturing solar energy. It is also keenly important to know when, how, and what to spray on plants. A misunderstanding here could cost you big time.

James LoveLady

International Ag Labs is pleased to have James LoveLady speak on how to interpret plant tissue analysis and how to use this information to improve crop quality and yield. James is a master at this and consults on a wide array of crops (anything from strawberries to pecans) in California’s San Joaquin valley.

Dan Skow

Dan Skow will be sharing on the practical aspects of foliar spraying. If you have questions about foliar spraying and are looking for answers come and throw the book at him—we will all learn in the process. Dan will also cover the following major objection to foliar spraying: “Foliar spraying takes too much time.”

Wendell Owens

Wendell Owens, a longtime consultant and farmer will be sharing a number of true stories showing foliar successes and failures. He will then interpret these stories to give you the key principles of success and the red flags to avoid failure. This could save you a lot of agony—don’t miss his long years of experience. Wendell will cover the following major objection to foliar spraying: “Foliar spraying costs too much thus it doesn’t really pay.”

Jon Frank

Jon Frank will be taking a birds-eye view and then a close up view of plant leaves. The goal is how to make leaves super efficient. Jon will also cover the major objection to foliar spraying: “Foliar spraying is not needed if you just have a good soil program.”

See you in Branson!
Dan, Wendell, and Jon

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Online Registration no longer available


Foundations For Success

Foundations For Success Event - Shipshewana, Indiana

February 19-20, 2010 in Shipshewana, Indiana

Fri. 8:00 am -- 5:00 pm
Sat. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Registration Fee:

$200 per person -- Includes noon meal both days
[$250 after Monday, February 8]


Shipshewana Town Center
800 S. Van Buren St.
Shipshewana, IN 46565

Hotel Reservation:

Super 8 Motel — 260-768-4004

  • 740 South Van Buren
  • Very close, complimentary breakfast, reasonable rates

Splash Universe — 260-768-7688

  • 800 S. Van Buren St.
  • Very close, family-friendly rooms, water park, bunk-beds for children
  • www.splashuniverse.com


Speakers include Dan Skow, Wendell Owens and Jon Frank

What are the foundations for success in farming? Before looking at the core sciences consider a new farmer just starting out. What does he do? First he finds out where he can win i.e. what type of farming suites him. Second he carefully analyzes his strengths so he can use them to his advantage. Next he goes operational, but circumstances change and then he must respond to changing circumstances. This leads to a new form of operations and the cycle repeats itself.

Operations ⇒ Circumstances change ⇒ Respond to Circumstances ⇒ Back to Operations

The weak link in the chain is responding to changing circumstances. This is what separates the top 2% of farmers from everybody else. Agriculture is always in a state of change. Why do so many producers fail to change with the circumstances? I believe it is because most farmers do not integrate the 3 core sciences their whole operation rest on; soil microbiology, soil agronomy, and plant physiology. In addition to this they have not assembled a proper team to guide them through these changing circumstances. This course addresses the 3 main sciences and the importance of a consulting team that will allow a farmer to actually start reaching the pinnacle of success.

Hope you join us in Shipshewana!
Dan, Wendell, and Jon

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Online Registration no longer available


World Ag Expo 2010

Visit Our Booth World Ag Expo 2010

February 9-11, 2010 in Tulare, California

International Ag Labs will be exhibiting at the World Ag Expo. If you'd like to stop by and talk, we'd be happy to meet with you there. To make it easy to find us, click on the button above to locate our exibit space on the Show Grounds.


Fruit Trees On Steroids

Fruit Trees On Steriods Upcoming EventStone Fruit, Apples, Pears, Wine Grapes

February 5-6, 2010 in Yakima, WA

Fri. 9 am - 5 pm [noon meal included]
Sat. 9 am – 12 pm

Registration Fee: $150/person


Hotel Howard Johnson Plaza
9 North 9th St.
Yakima WA 98901
Phone 509-574-0884
Note: Special room rate given if you mention it’s for IAL seminar.


Speakers include Dan Skow, Wendell Owens and Jon Frank

Is the lifeblood of your operation sweet and hang on trees or vines? Are you marketing tree and vine fruits only to find your produce undervalued by the marketplace? If so why?

Fresh fruit is a wonderful gift from our Creator meant to be savored for its excellent flavor. While vegetables and other foods have their place, nothing else can take fresh fruits’ position as“cream of the crop.”

Fruit quality can be measured from many perspectives including, proper sizing, flavor, brix reading, market value, total solids, acid-to-brix ratio, storage characteristics, and nutrient density.

From a growers perspective getting beyond alternate bearing and achieving consistent good yields is a tremendous indicator of success.

Ultimately fruit production must be profitable. And for that to happen the market must value your fruit above mediocre.

To be a resounding success in fruit production you need to over deliver on quality by completely surpassing market expectations.

When eating your fresh fruit elicits a response of “Wow—this is the best apple (or whatever fruit) I have ever eaten” then you just created a high fidelity epicurean experience. At this point you can just about name your price. This is the key to wild success in fruit production.

Fruit Trees on Steroids is an indepth look at the nutritional foundations it takes to produce top quality fruit in today’s competitive environment. We also look at how to incorporate nutritional foliar sprays to increase flavor and shelf life, help size cherries, and reduce bitter-pit in apples.

Local host Dwayne Bowman will share his story and the results he has seen following our fertility program for the last 2 years.

We look forward to seeing you in Yakima!
Dan, Wendell, and Jon

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Wendell Owens

of International Ag Labs

Wendell Owen

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