It Pay$ To Decompose

it-pays-to-decomposeInside This Issue

  • It Pays to Decompose
  • Plot and Yield Data
  • Seed
  • Residue Decomposition
  • Is Your Corn Shrinking?
  • Symptoms of Goss' Wilt
  • WayAhead 7X
  • Corn Residue
  • Z-Hume



Lessons Learned From Canola

Lessons Learned From Canola

By Wendell Owens

Canola was a product bred at the University of Manitoba. It was originally call rapeseed but the name was changed to Canola coming from “CAN” for Canada and “OLA” for oil. While a patent was issued for the gene trait, a patent was not issued for the process of making Canola. Consequently, it can be raised from Australia to the United States without paying Canada any rights to produce. A similar process happened in Australia when the name Kiwi was given to Chinese gooseberries. No protection was sought for use of the term, Kiwi.

Foliar Spray Use

Canola should be seeded after the last frost. Canola comes out of the ground and forms a rosette. When the rosette it formed, the Canola can be sprayed with a foliar spray. An SXT foliar spray would be a smart choice. When it gets close to seeding, foliar spraying Bloomit is another wise choice. You can spray Bloomit on the plant several times, so you keep it blooming and it doesn’t abort the pods. You don’t want to plump the kernels, so you want to avoid products that bulk. Canola is a two-stage plant: growing and seed production, so you don’t want to bulk the kernels. Instead, you want to produce more kernels. Bloomit facilitates pod formation.

Ammonium Sulfate

As with all crops, the fertility program will change according to the soil test, but one thing doesn’t change. You should always put Ammonium Sulfate on Canola. Ammonium Sulfate is not the same as elemental sulfur; avoid elemental sulfur on all Canola fields. Elemental sulfur is used to lower pH and it doesn’t work well for canola. With elemental sulfur, the nutrients do not become available for 90 days and canola is all over within 90 days.

MAP (11-52-0)

But this one tip you need to know in Canola production: ALWAYS put MAP (11-52-0) on after you have raised Canola. Canola is a good scavenger when it comes to phosphorous, because it uses phosphorus heavily. The phosphorus must be replaced.

Dr. Reams Rule

Remember Dr. Reams rule – All nutrients go into a plant in phosphate form except nitrogen.

If you have any questions about your crops, please feel free to contact me. 

Looking At All The Variables

looking at all the variablesIn my area of the country corn and soybean harvest is progressing very rapidly. Yields are all over the board with corn running anywhere from 23 to 200 bushels per acre having essentially rainfall.

I know of four different fields of corn nearby that were alfalfa last year and corn did not even make 30 bushel. Yet corn on bean ground in the same area has had highs of 160 to 200 bushels per acre. Normally the alfalfa sod ground would have the better yields. This year however, sub soil moisture was greatly reduced because of the alfalfa roots.

An example of this is a local dairy firmer who for several years has been getting 170 bushels on his alfalfa sod. This year it yielded only 23 bushels, while his other ground yielded 100 to 120 bushels.

Nitrogen - The Key Element

nitrogen - the key elementNitrogen is one of the most critical elements we need to manage very carefully in modern crop production. In Dr. Reams tapes on crop production he emphasizes the importance of nitrogen, and the roll of nitrogen in the formation of a cell.

Dr. Reams states that the base element of all biological cells start with nitrogen. If nitrogen is not available when a new cell is to be formed in a plant, the cell will not form and growth ceases. He also notes that nitrogen is the electromagnetic charged element that draws the other elements to it in order to start the formation of a new cell based on the genetic code in the DNA. Dr. Reams states that all cells, regardless of species or kind, require nitrogen for the budding of a new cell. This is why it is so important to maintain a constant, steady supply of nitrogen throughout the whole growing season.

Reams Rules

Reams Rules

Hi Folks,

This is Wendell Owens bringing this newsletter to you.

I haven’t written a newsletter for awhile so I need to get at it again. As you may or may not know I have been involved with International Ag Labs (IAL) for a long time. I started at IAL July 10, 1986. IAL was started by Doctor Dan Skow in 1976 as Skow Enterprises and when we incorporated, it became known as International Ag labs. We served international clients for awhile and then 9/11/01 happened and it became harder to get soil into the country. I have been farming since 1954 and still am farming with the help of my son-in-law and grandson.

Dr. Carey was Dr. Skow’s mentor and he wrote a few rules. I thought I would remind you of them, as following the rules brings best results. Believe me, they work well, so pay attention to them. When we give recommendations for soil tests, these are the rules we follow.

Residue Decomposition

residue-decomposition-newsletterInside This Issue

  • Residue Decomposition ...A Foundation for Success
  • Principles For Crop Residue Management Success
  • How Healthy Is Your Soil?





RL-37 What Is It?

RL-37 What Is It?

During the years I have been in this business. I have been asked specifically what the mode of action is for RL-37. This is very difficult question to answer. In this newsletter I will attempt to explain some of the things International Ag Labs has found out about this product.

RL-37 is unique blend of humic acid, liquid seaweed, and natural plant fatty acids. RL-37 offers farmers a special detoxification product for soils that have nutrient imbalances, herbicide residues, and toxins produced from anaerobic soil conditions. RL-37, by correcting these conditions, allows plants to take up greater amounts of phosphate which increases the soluble sugars and amino acids in plants which can then be converted into proteins.

The fulvic acid in RL-37 is a low molecular weight humic compound that increases the plants cell wall permeability facilitating greater uptake of water. The fulvic acid in RL-37 helps water penetrate plant cells assisting nutrient uptake during drought conditions. The increased water uptake and phosphate availability due to humic compounds in RL-37 increases the soluble sugars in plants which increases the asmotic pressure inside the cell wall and enables the plant to withstand wilting in low humidity conditions.

Water is very critical to the process of photosynthesis. The water molecule furnishes the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to combine with the carbon dioxide from the air in the presence of phosphate to produce simple sugars which are then converted into complex carbohydrates, proteins and oils. When RL-37 is added to water it greatly increases the electrical conductivity of the solution in such a way that its very beneficial to plant growth. The organic electrolytic compounds in RL-37 are very powerful and when diluted or expanded with water are amplified by water making a transport medium of very high electrolytic action. The electrolytic action of RL-37 is what attracts compounds to it such as herbicides, pesticides and other toxins which can later be broken down into water, carbon dioxide and free radicals, rendering the original compound harmless.

Once the herbicide or pesticide is absorbed onto the humic compounds in RL-37 they become nontoxic to bacteria and they can be broken down into simple nontoxic molecules. Humic compounds increase the water holding capacity of soils. Humates improve tilth of soils and workability. RL-37 helps reduce soil erosion by increasing the water holding capacity of the soil and the electrical charge of the soil solution. The result of this increased electrical charge is better retention of water soluble inorganic fertilizers and then releases them to the growing plants as needed. RL-37 greatly increases the microbial activity of soils which allows the microorganisms to impregnate nitrogen from the air with oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. The end result of this process is the addition of ammonia, nitrates, and amino acids to the soil. Amino acids through condensation become proteins. Some proteins are enzymes, which serve as organic catalysts to increase the speed with which chemical reactions can take place within the molecular compounds of the cells. No reactions can occur in a cell unless its own personalized enzyme is present and active.

Commercial nitrogen is often applied in excess amounts and is taken up by plants faster than the plant can completely assimilate the nitrogen. The build up of nitrogen in plants makes the plants susceptible to insects because the electrical frequency given off by the plants under excessive nitrogen stress attracts insects. The humic acids in RL-37 assists the plant in normalizing the flow of nitrogen into the plant and helps the plant convert the build up of amino acids in the sap into proteins. The more complete proteins in plants the more resistant the plant is to insects. Insects cannot feed very well on proteins because they cannot break down the bonds between the amino acids that make up the proteins. This is why the addition of RL-37 in liquid nitrogen assists the plant in being more resistant to insects, such as corn borers. The use of commercial fertilizer to grow crops often causes luxuriant plant feeding of the fertilizer causing a build up of amino acids in the sap of plants. This attracts many types and kinds of insects to feed on these amino acids. Different insects will feed at different times based on the variation and concentration of amino acids in plants that emanate different electrical frequencies. This is what attracts different kinds of insects to plants at different times during the growing season.

RL-37 contains fulvic acids (formic, acetic, propionic, aspartic) which promote plant growth, This low molecular weight organic acids when not available in soils result in poor plant growth. The humic acids in RL-37 contains porphyism which contains iron and magnesium within there organic rings. These porphyisms found in the chlorophyll assists in trapping of light energy and its transfer of energy through the electron transport systems accelerating various growth mechanisms of plants in photosynthesis.

When RL-37 is added to water and liquid fertilizers it sets up the solution to specific energy patterns. The structured water can now correct the distorted energy patterns in plants due to pathogens or deficiency. This is why we always recommend the addition of water to nearly all fertilizer mixes and blends. International Ag Labs is continually doing research with RL-37 and it continues to amaze us with the results we discover. Each year we find out about more research done with seaweed, fatty acids, and humic acids all found in RL-37. This research helps us better understand how RL-37 works and helps soil tilth and structure and plant growth.

We strongly recommend that you consider the use of RL-37 in your fertility program based on the information in this newsletter. If you are currently using herbicides this is a good way to keep herbicide residues tied up. RL-37 helps normalize soil conditions, improves water holding capacity and over time dissipates hard pan. RL-37 by itself does not do all this but included in a planned program can help you reach these goals much faster.

You can read more about RL-37 on our website.

Good farming and God bless,

Wendell Owens



The lab was busy this spring, so I can write a newsletter. The products we sell are very hard to obtain. We have had to wait for everything we have bought this year. Thank you for being patient with us; we are very appreciative of that. It seems like the newsletter should be the first thing you should think of, but it is usually the last. I promise I will have a garden newsletter for the next one.

Now we will get to soybeans; you should always use a little ammonium sulfate spread over the field and work it into the soil before you plant soybeans. 100 lbs./acre is enough to keep soybeans growing. When the soybeans are small, it takes a certain amount of nitrogen to keep the plant growing before soybeans can fix their own nitrogen. Be sure you have enough phosphate available. Remember, all nutrients, except nitrogen, go into a plant phosphate form.

There is another reason also; the soybean is made up of 20 essential amino acids and two of those amino acids contain sulfur. The sulfate in ammonium sulfate is in the usable form. Be sure you use sulfate and not use sulfur because sulfur is not available for 90 days after it is put on. You must convert sulfur to sulfate before it can be available to the soil.

One other thing to consider when you are raising soybeans is to use a blooming spray with which to foliar the beans. There are a few key concepts to understand regarding the use of a blooming spray. Always use phosphate in your foliar spray. Soybeans use the phloem to get nutrients into the plant. They can’t get nutrients if there isn’t an attraction. Phosphate is a triple negative. Inside the plant is a positively charged hydrogen ion. You have to have that attraction between the hydrogen ion and the phosphate ion to make things happen. If it’s raining in your area and you have a good crop, you may consider using a foliar spray to hold the pods on and make the beans flower. Soybeans are what I call, a two stage plant. You don’t want to bulk the soybeans; you want to grow them and flower them. If you bulk them, you can expect to have a thirty-bushel reduction. This blooming spray concept happens to work on garden snap beans also.

I hope you found this helpful, and just so you know, we have a supply of Bloomit on hand.

God bless,

Wendell Owens

Taking A Good Look At Your Corn

Take A Good Look At Your Corn

It's time to be making preparations for fall fertilization programs, but before you begin it is a good idea to take a good look at your current crop.

Corn Production and Common Problems

This month we will focus on corn production and some of the common problems I have seen in my travels this summer.

It is never easy to assimilate all of the things you need to know to put a fertility program together for a successful crop. From what I have seen on my travels so far, many of you need to practice " see what you look at "--a famous quote of Dr. Reams. I am amazed at how so many farmers across this nation have lost their sensitivity to the things of nature. I think so many of you are so wrapped up with government programs, chemical selection and financial planning that you have lost your ability to really farm. The corn many of you raise is a long ways from what it should be even though you may have good yields. The kernels are shriveled, low in mineral content, and often mold easily.

The Concepts Of Energy And How It Affects Crop Growth

anions and cations - units of energyUnits of energy - anions and cations

It has been some time since we have had a newsletter on the concepts of energy and how energy affects crop growth. I have been reviewing Dr. Reams old notes and cassette tapes concerning energy principles, and felt this would be a good time to review them with you also.

First we must all understand that ultimately all energy originates from the sun. The sun, which is some 93 million miles from the earth, bombards the earth with very small, negatively charged particles of energy. These particles can travel through walls and buildings. Dr. Reams called these charged particles anions and defined a single anion as the smallest known particle of energy. He further stated that anions spin or rotate in a clockwise direction. The light you see when you burn something is anions being liberated from the mass. Mass is made up of atoms, and according to Dr. Reams concept of energy and plant growth, atoms are made up of anions and cations.

Wendell Owens

of International Ag Labs

Wendell Owen

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